With the school holiday season just about to kick off, one place that’s bustling with energy and tourists is the holiday capital of the country…..Goa. The inflow of domestic as well as foreign visitors enhances the natural beauty and vibrant cultures of the beautiful coastal area. Like most popular tourist destinations, Goa has also undergone a wave of commercialization. While some might look at this as progress, this rapid growth also needs better infrastructure.

Taxi in Goa

With the demand for taxis on the rise in the country, companies like uber and ola in goa do not offer their services here.Since goa relies on tourism industry for its economic backbone, intervention of these app based cabs is not permissible.

When you visit there, don’t waste your time looking for one. Instead, book your cab directly with the hotel/villa in goa in advance.That’s the best, convenient and most comfortable option. Driver will be well dressed, car will be well maintained and you save time by not searching for the destination point as some of the villas might be a hidden gems in a busting village.

Another option is to go with the prepaid taxis that you can book inside the airport after arrival of just on the exit. Please be ready to spend some time in the line if your vacation falling on the public holidays or peak season.

To get around the place, there are options of self driven cars, taxis on a daily basis or the very popular motor bikes that are also given on hire in every part of goa.

Rates could vary depending on the time of the year you are travelling plus on your bargaining skills. Bargaining during season time though might not be very fruitful and its generally a win-win situation for them. Where a self driven car could cost you Rs.2000 for a day, a scooter on a regular day would be anything between 300-400 rupees a day.

However, these rates could skyrocket between the months of november and march and you could land up paying much more.

I guess, everyone is there to make hay while the sun shines….so keep your gps ready and enjoy Goa any time of the year.